The Idea
This site offers various fonts with an expanded character set (to cover almost ALL latin-based languages) but at a price much lower than most commercial fonts. My aim with this site is to reach users in regions where the economics is not strong enough to purchase other commercially available fonts that contain all the needed characters - like Eastern Europe and South America.
The starting point
Most freeware and shareware fonts are made with a very basic character set, and the technical quality make them less usable for professional work. So non-english designers with a small budget have a very narrow choice of inexpensive typefaces with complete character sets - but I want to change that. I see this both as a small business opportunity and a chance to prevent written languages to be dilluted because of economics (I know of several areas where the lack of character support have resulted in the language's special characters being more and more often substituted with "plain" ones - losing typographic history and individuality in the process).
My input
I have worked with commercial fonts for over a decade, and have the technical and linguistic knowhow, routine and knowledge to rework fonts properly for all latin languages (and I do make such fonts professionally on a regular basis). Using free fonts with known and trusted sources (to avoid plainly pirated designs) gives me a good starting point to make these low-cost fonts.
The designers
This site is 100% legit and above the board, that's exactly why I contact the font creators first and ask them to be part of CheapProFonts. I have the designers permissions to rework their fonts, and they also receive royalties from the sales.
Welcome to CheapProFonts - I hope you find some fonts you'd like to use! :)
Roger S. Nelsson