Can I use @font-face embedding with your fonts? |
In their original format (OpenType or TrueType): NO!
Putting the original font files on your web server and using @font-face to call on their use is equal to placing them open for anybody to download and use on their own computers! It is font distribution, plain and simple! Not allowed!
But... :)
You may convert our fonts (with your preferred subset) to EOT, WOFF and/or SVG format and place and call those files on your web server. These formats are made for web use only, and are considered safe enough to prevent casual abuse. You must also use server-side protection to make sure the files are not accessed by external sources.
For such use you must purchase a separate license. One extra license covers use on only one website (where you place your EOT/WOFF/SVG files converted with f.ex. FontSquirrels @font-face Generator - or host them with f.ex. TypeFront). Want to use the font on another web site? purchase yet another license. Etc.
If you want to offer the fonts for use by multiple users on a web solution (like blog sites and other social hosting solutions) we require that you work out a separate commercial licensing fee with us.