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Familiar Pro Bold by Roger S. Nelsson 1.
Familiar Pro Bold

379 glyphs!

Celtic Garamond Pro Rough by Levente Halmos 2.
Celtic Garamond Pro Rough

377 glyphs!

Celtic Garamond Pro Bold by Levente Halmos 3.
Celtic Garamond Pro Bold

377 glyphs!

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Familiar Pro singles
This family was inspired by a Type Battle over at Typophile: How would you design a font metrically compatible with Helvetica, but better than Arial? Working with preset letter widths was an interesting constraint, both a relief and a limitation at the same time.

I have done all the 4 basic weights, and the skewed obliques (done to a slightly less steep 10 degrees angle as opposed to the originals 12) has been optically adjusted. The letters have been designed quite close to the german/swiss grotesk tradition, but by using super-elliptical rounds, rounded dots and slightly curved outer diagonals the end result is a friendly looking font family that still looks... familiar.

Familiar Pro Light
Familiar Pro Light by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Regular
Familiar Pro Regular by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Black
Familiar Pro Black by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Light Oblique
Familiar Pro Light Oblique by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!

Familiar Pro Regular Oblique
Familiar Pro Regular Oblique by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Bold Oblique
Familiar Pro Bold Oblique by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Black Oblique
Familiar Pro Black Oblique by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $10.00
379 glyphs!
Familiar Pro Bold
Familiar Pro Bold by Roger S. Nelsson
Price: $0.00
379 glyphs!

High quality multilingual fonts at a low price - for professional (non-english) designers with a small budget!
Unicode OpenType Pro and TrueType formats for Mac and Windows. Instant downloads.

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